Don't turn your iPhone off during worship!

Virtually every church that projects announcements during its services has a slide of some sort that says something like "Ssh...Please Turn Off You...

Don't turn your iPhone off during worship!

Virtually every church that projects announcements during its services has a slide of some sort that says something like "Ssh...Please Turn Off You...

Silence is Golden - No Budget Tip #2

by Eric Chancey, @BigDaddyDecibelIn the last installment, we talked about how the use of proper microphone (mic) technique yields better results at...

No-Budget Tips to Improving Your Sound

by Eric Chancey, @BigDaddyDecibelSo, what exactly are “no-budget tips to improving your sound”? This article is the first in a series about making ...

Go Widescreen!

Big changes, big benefits - for you!   Over the past few years, the transition to High Definition digital television has had a dramatic impact on t...
Carrie Underwood's rainbow of Heil PR 35 vocal microphones

A note from Randy Lane - Carrie Underwood's Sound Engineer

In a recent talk with Randy Lane, he offered part of his secret to making country music superstar Carrie Underwood sound her best.  “I like to make...
Clearsonic drum shields and acoustic baffles

Getting Control of Your Church Band Sound

by Brian SmithIt is no secret that many church music programs have been incorporating contemporary praise bands into some if not all of their servi...

Headphones - every mixer needs a pair.

Before I knew what a fader was, I watched the sound guys at church put on their headphones at the beginning of the service and keep them on until t...
Listen Assistive Listening Systems

Provide Assistive Listening Systems

Provide Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) for your congregation and let people know that they’re available Many churches have ALS on premises, but ...

Can your sound technician hear what the congregation hears?

That question seems like it should have an obvious answer, right? Unfortunately, that's not always the case.For years, we've debated with architect...