Is your projector draining your tech budget?
Time. Money. Focus. If your projector requires lamp replacement, maintenance or repairs, it is draining you of resources you could be using to eng...
Warranty Registration Reminder - don't ignore this warranty card.
Many times, I am tempted to not fill out the warranty card when I buy something new. I get lots of email. I get lots of mail. And in most cases,...
The making of a microphone - a video.
We use microphones, we sell microphones, we recommend microphones. I tend to forget all that goes into the making of a good microphone.This video b...
We sell solutions!
Half of all churches we talk with need some sort of upgrade to their audio, video, lighting or projection systems. How to make those upgrades and n...
Do you really want your historic auditorium or worship space to look like a concert venue?
To us, there's not a lot worse than cluttering up a traditional or historic auditorium with obvious technology, so when Da-Lite introduced its Wire...
Choir mic shootout - Heil PR30 versus Beyerdynamic MC930, Neumann KM185, and Lewitt LCT340
In order to get a great choir sound in modern worship, you need a microphone with exceptional isolation, great uniformity of the polar or pickup pa...
Berklee Standardizes on Point Source CR-8D Earset Microphone
SERIES8 mics expected to support up to 300 student-run productions each year
Student actors of Berklee College of Music perform wearing Point Sour...
Can you help us with our sound system?
"Dave, can you come to Sioux Falls to help us with our sound system?"Prior to that call, we had worked together with the Ransom Church for some add...