Time. Money. Focus. If your projector requires lamp replacement, maintenance or repairs, it is draining you of resources you could be using to engage your congregation. Worship Facilities Magazine estimates that the typical projector used in Houses of Worship costs as much as $7,000 in bulbs, maintenance and equipment failure over its lifespan.
With a dust-free, lamp-free design, new laser projectors from Panasonic offer 20,000 hours of virtually maintenance-free operation. Plus, they feature high brightness and contrast for optimal daylight viewing.
This line-up starts at just $3199 for 5000 lumens. One of the largest theme park chains in the world uses exclusively Panasonic laser projectors and the nation's largest restaurant chain dedicated to chicken wings has chosen the PT-RZ570 series as its standard for its corporate stores. See the full line-up here.
Don't sweat lamp failure, air filter warning messages, lift/scaffolding rental, and time. Give your congregation all of the attention it deserves, and give up projector maintenance for good.