The Heil PR 35 is the industry benchmark vocal microphone, comparable to mics costing 2-3 times as much, and it's still the same price as it has been. And it's even made in the USA.
So who uses them? Stevie Wonder? Really? Joan Baez, Charlie Daniels, Joe Walsh and many more.
I got a call recently from the namesake of one of our suppliers. He wanted to check in to see how things were going and to say hello. We've been a large part of getting his products into the worship market over the last few years. The two of us talked about a handful of new products coming later this year, other ways to use the current products and spent about 20 minutes just catching up.
Just as we were about to hang up, he said, "And do you know what one of the most touching moments I've had in my music career (which spans over 50 years)?" I didn't. He went on to say, "Sarah and I were at the Hollywood Bowl watching Stevie Wonder recently and he had six of my microphones on stage." He went on to say, "Dave, there's not a better set of ears in the world than Stevie's and to have him decide that my microphones are better than everything he has ever tried is quite a compliment. He has no reason to change anything he's doing; he's Stevie Wonder. On stage, he used a PR35 for his vocal at the acoustic piano, another at his electric piano, and four for his backup singers."
Bob Heil has every right to be thrilled, humbled, and honored to have Stevie Wonder choose to buy his microphones. Heil Sound doesn't do paid endorsements; Heil Sound simply makes great microphones and people like you and Stevie Wonder are beginning to catch on.
The Heil Sound PR35 has received a Mix Magazine TEC Award nomination this year, but that meant much less to Bob than a music legend like Stevie Wonder hand-picking a microphone that he created. Marketing departments can spin specifications, write about frequency response, and make pretty pictures all day long. The funny thing is that sound can't be captured on paper, no matter how hard anyone tries. As hard as I try to describe good audio, it's impossible for you to fully comprehend the Heil Sound PR35 until you try it for yourself.
The Heil Sound PR35 is a truly great vocal microphone. It even has two-position bass roll-off making it versatile enough for many other uses. We're beginning to hear about more and more artists using Heil microphones. That means that Heil microphones work well for vocals, guitar amps, acoustic guitars, drums, drum overheads, bass amps, backing vocalists and choirs, and more.
Try a PR35 (or two, or five). That's the only way you'll ever really understand the difference between the PR35 and everything else. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee period.
Heil Sound, Ltd. warrants all microphones to the original purchaser for a period of three years (parts) and ninety days (labor) from the date of purchase.