I get a lot of email.  We send email, too, and to some extent, I understand the power of the subject line.  Using words like "Free!" and "Save!" are the way companies get you to open the message.  "Free" is powerful; that's just the way it is. 

The message today came from another vendor offering a sub-$500 special on wireless microphones.  Coincidentally, we offered a $500 wireless microphone, too. 

If you're like me, you got both messages in your inbox.  The other dealer is offering a 4-unit receiver with transmitters for less than $500.  On the surface, that seems like a great deal because the single systems we featured today start at about $500 each. 

About the same price more for three more wireless microphones?  Wow!  Better take a look.  I'm a sucker for a good story, too. 

I can say with 100% certainty that what we're offering is better.  It'll sound better, it'll be more reliable with respect to radio performance, and it'll last longer.  Again, I say that with 100% certainty, having never heard the other system.  Actually, I've not only not heard it, but I've not heard of it.  And I've been in this business for over 22 years. 

We presume that the other dealer understands the power of headlines, because we've had people call us to ask what we think about similar offers.  When they do, we just ask them to think about it.  Would you buy a wireless system priced below $125 each?  Some would.  Would you expect it to work as well as a $500 wireless system.  Some would, but they'd be incorrect.  Would you expect it to last as long? 

In fairness, if you need a $125 wireless microphone and you need four of them, there are not many good choices.  And what they're offering might sound okay, depending on your standards for quality, where you live in the country and how much other RF traffic is present during your worship services.  But to me, there's nothing worse than a wireless microphone that doesn't work, so I try to encourage our clients to stay away from the cheap stuff. 

There's no such thing as something for nothing.  Overseas manufacturing affords us all the opportunity to spend fewer dollars than we used to for the same types of products.  Even so, outside the rare case of a closeout or a liquidation sale, people just don't sell things for less than they're worth.  Our $500 each wireless is worth every penny more than the other dealer's $125 wireless. 

When you need new equipment, call us.  We'll be glad to help you discover what you need, based on what you already have, what you're trying to do, and on your budget.  We have inexpensive wireless microphones, too, from companies you've heard of, and that will still be in business for as long as you have the equipment. 

When I choose the cheap way out, I'm almost always disappointed with myself. 

Price, quality, service - choose any two.

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